Categories: barcoderegisteration

Is Barcode Registration Necessary or Not?

A barcode registration consists of a square image consisting of parallel black lines and a series of white spaces. It has various widths. It may be in rectangular shapes also. Barcodes store product related data such as production date, expiration date, manufacturer’s name, and product origin and country quantity. There are two types of barcodes which are 1D and 2D (2 dimensional).

Includes information about the product, such as a barcode; Barcodes are allocate by an international organization create for this purpose. Product price and weight, product and expiration date, manufacturer’s name etc. Each product has a unique barcode worldwide.

Types Of Barcodes:

  • 1 dimensional or 1d
  • 2 dimensional or 2D (also known as QR code)

“1D” barcodes are using in general products such as groceries, pens and electronic devices.

“2D” is similar to a 1-dimensional barcode, but it can store more data per unit area than 1D. You must have seen the use of 2D barcode in Paytm application.

A barcode is a series of parallel black lines and white places which consists of the information in encoded between the length of each shade line and the space between them.

The scanning device uses a laser to “read” the bar code by scanning it into a unique bar of shade line. A barcode scanner, reads lines from left to right.

A barcode scanner reads a pattern of black and white bars that convert information into binary code (0 or 1). The computer only reads information in binary forms and the same will display on the monitor screen.

The “number” written on the right side of the “centre guard” gives information about the type of product, whether it is made of plastic or natural things, vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

If “2” is written instead of 0; it shows that the product is either vegan or non-vegan.

If “3” is written; this means that the product is related to the pharmacy.

The two digits near the left bar, i.e. 0 and 5, indicate if the product is made in the USA or Canada, since the barcode from 00 to 13 is assigned to these two countries.

The last digit “7” to the right of the barcode is a check number, which ensures that the information is read correctly by the barcode reader.

Documents for barcode registration

Barcode registration services needs the following.

  1. Barcode allocation request letter
  2. Entity’s PAN card
  3. Balance sheet copy
  4. Certificate of GST / VAT registration
  5. Certificate of Investment / Partnership Deed
  6. Memorandum of Association / Articles of Association
  7. A copy of the cancelled check

Is barcode registration necessary?

You need to register with us to get GS1 barcodes for your products in barcode registration services. Subscription is renewal based. The barcode numbers are allocate based on the number of additional products you may need to identify in the future.

Barcode registration in Chennai is not a mandatory requirement of the government. Retail barcodes will work well even without retail registration because stores enter the barcode number and link it individually to their billing or inventory software.

The barcode subscription which allows you to assign, organize and manage all your barcode numbers and product information.

Some cell phone app scanners (such as the Zebra app) support product information when a product barcode scanned. Click here for more information on barcode scanning applications.

Barcode registration in India increase your product’s Internet profile – Barcode registration will increase the product’s Internet profile so that product information will appear when searching for a barcode on Google or any other search engine. This makes it easier for retailers and customers to find your company and product information.

Registration helps prevent the theft or accidental misuse of your barcode numbers, as you have additional proof that they are yours. If a barcode is registered on an Internet database, it can persuade people to use the barcode number illegally on sites like Amazon. If a quick internet search tells a person that a barcode number is in use, they will be less likely to use the barcode. While people used barcodes illegally then, it is an additional hassle for the legal owner of the barcode number to follow it. This can be easily ignore with barcode registration.

Benefits of Barcode Registration

  • Reduces error – Since the information on the barcode is all automated, there is less chance of error due to the lack of manual intervention in the form of data entry.
  • Cost-effective and convenient – Barcodes are easy to obtain, cost-effective and convenient to print, and can also be customized when the registration is done in Barcode registration in Hyderabad.
  • Detailed information – Barcodes contain product related information like product number, serial numbers, and batch numbers and therefore it guarantees the authenticity of the products.
  • Tim Optimized Inventory – All the information of the products captured in the barcode makes the movement of the products easier and trouble-free through the supply chain.
  • Time Saving – Registering a barcode in Barcode registration in Bangalore saves a lot of time. Using a barcode reader, the code will scan, and details obtained.
  • Accurate and fast billing – The information attach to the barcode is all automated and accurate and helps in making good and efficient decisions.
  • Unique and Global Identity – When registered in Barcode registration in India the barcoding system facilitates globally recognized unique identities, and so there will be no two products that will have the same code.


Barcodes play a key role in enabling supply chains, retailers, manufacturers and transport suppliers to automatically obtain information related to the movement and storage of goods. It helps save the time and effort that would be expend by each trading partner of the supply chain to manually capture such information. The use of global standards in barcoding, product authentication, is effective in remembering fast and accurate production and helps in accessing product label information from trusted sources (brand owners).

Is Barcode Registration Necessary or Not?

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